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    Lori Gerald

    I am sorry for your loss. Donn was such a special person. I did not know he passed but I had been thinking about him alot as I have gotten a new puppy. He took care of my furr babies for over 20 years. Best care ever!!! Sincere thoughts to all of you.

    Margo Roman

    Watching the memorial service was so moving and its moments made me smile be sad but then again so grateful to have had known Donn for over 20 years. His enthusiasm and inclusive nature to share ideas was wonderful . My fondest memory is at Yellowstone and with all the AHVMA retreat folks. Spending time with Gayle and getting to be in their beautiful cabin with such delicious food. He will be missed by so many but having a chance to see his children speak about him his legacy is in great hands. Those great hands helped save so many animal lives.

    Major N. Crispin

    Donn was great guy & he was my big brother in the Sigma Chi Fraternity at The Ohio State University. He was a great teacher & listener & a good friend. He & I were in the same exercise class for Parkinson. Gayle was always with Donn .His devoted wife & caregiver. I will never forget Donn.

    Steve Thompson DVM DABVP

    Dr Griffith was a mentor to me in the 80’s as a privet student while I was also working at the Cincinnati Zoo. Home in Dublin over the holidays I worked the kennels and clinic including Christmas Day. I still had time on Christmas Day to share my time with kids at Columbus Children’s Hospital. Back and forth between kids and pets was a new Christmas norm. He wrote the letter that helped get me into OSU then supported me when I returned to faculty as an alum in the 90’s. He followed my career when I moved to his alma mater and created a required primary care rotation including dogs cats and exotic pets. 2015 highlight when he spoke at Indiana VMA meeting still mentoring younger practitioners. Family and the Profession were always important to him . Many fond memories over the years when he returned to Purdue or I was back home in Dublin. His family remains in my thoughts. He continues to have an holistic impact on future vets through Purdue .

    Douglas Graham, DVM

    Dear Griffith Family, Donn was the mentor-as a young veterinarian himself-of my own veterinary mentor Larry Giebel '74. He let Larry hang out with him while he attended OSU veterinary school and that can be invaluable for a student. I wouldn't have been in this profession if it weren't for Larry and Donn remained one of his closest friends in the profession (and for many years tennis partner at NAVC meetings). I was fortunate to meet Donn several times when I came to Columbus at his practice. Larry looked up to Donn, especially for his exotic expertise and his good nature/professionalism at all times A tremendous person and ultimate veterinarian.

    Lee Didier

    I met Donn during several trips to Yellowstone. I appreciated his friendliness, energy and knowledge about a number of areas. He really added to the enjoyment of those trips He will be sorely missed.

    Brenda L. Finfgeld

    We were saddened to hear of Dr. Donn's passing. He was very special to us and our pets. We had two dogs and three cats that he helped us with over the years. Dr. Donn performed acupuncture on our Golden Retriever, Tiffany. After the first session, he was her friend for life. One year at Christmas we decided to prepare homemade German cookies for Dr. Donn and his staff, They were a very big hit, especially with Dr. Donn. From that time on, we made a second tin of those cookies just for him. He even called and left a message on our recorder to thank us for "his" cookies. We usually make those cookies at Christmas, so when we do, we always think of Dr. Donn. He will remain in our hearts for the rest of our lives. We're thinking of Gayle and the whole family at this time. John & Brenda Finfgeld

    melissa blackford

    missing you a lot, dr. d! i remember all the times we would go to parties at your house for christmas, other holidays, etc and those were always a privilege and an honor to attend. we will miss you more than you know, and very much appreciate the hard work you have done all throughout the years of your life. i will miss the way you would greet my mom and i, and the way you would always comment on how similar i look to my mom because i'd grown a bit since the last time we'd seen you. that was something i looked forward to in seeing you and gayle each time we visited. and gayle, my heart goes out entirely to you for your loss, we are hurting alongside with you, grieving with you, and my mother and i are here for you if you ever need it. my most sincere and heartfelt condolences, melissa blackford

    dr. sagiv ben-yakir

    My name is Dr. Sagiv Ben-Yakir, a veterinarian...I flew over many many miles from Israel, The Holy Land, across the Atlantic Ocean & Mediterranean Sea to attend AHVMA conferences in US. I almost knew none in the audience - a very lonely feeling to myself that might last for 5 days...yet - from nowhere Dr. Donn used to appear in front of me - smiling, talking, introduce to me to others with a huge smile - he had it - the ability to call others feelings from all around the globe & be able to offer & solve others problems in good feelings & deeds - WHAT A one was like him in AHVMA

    JR & Suzi Schroeder

    Dr. Donn & Gayle have been like family to us. We fondly remember New Year Eve's bowling; West Yellowstone fishing; the sharing of special meals together; celebrating weddings and graduations; and even a few sick circus elephants and of course last but not least an occasional hot & spice card game of euchre. We have been so honored and blessed that we were able to share both Suzi's pet massage and JR's holistic talents at the clinic. From the first time meeting Dr. Donn at our health food store, it has been love at first sight, based on respect and the mutual common battle grounds with the powers to be in educating our patients on their right to choose and use less toxic of treatments in their pursuit of health for themselves and their pets. The influence of Dr. Donn has had on the Columbus community will be felt for many years to come!

    Bill and Anne Weigel

    Wonderful Memorial service. Just as I remember my pal, Big Griff...the friend with the big smiles.

    Andrea Eardley

    A beautiful memorial that brought back memories for all who knew "Dr. G." Those memories will live on, as will his contributions to the community and veterinary medicine.

    Marion Rhoades

    What a life well lived and beautifully shared with the world by Donn's family today and into the future.

    Justin Moeller

    I had the privilege of knowing Dr. Griffith for the last 4 years while working at his clinic. He was an incredible doctor, mentor, boss, and friend to many. As a doctor of veterinary medicine candidate, he had been a major influence for me throughout my studies and introduced me to the world of holistic medicine. I will carry that knowledge and and the memories of my time working with him always.

    Kimberly Cordle

    I am one of the fortunate people that was able to know Donn for many years. My daughter's father had a camera business . Him and Donn both had a love for animals and photography, so they benefited by exchanging veterinary services and photography services. I just never knew the extent of Donn's photography talent until I saw all of the pictures that your family has shared ! My daughter had many animals throughout her life, so we were frequently visiting Dr. Donn. What nice memories that we both have . We enjoyed his holistic approach to veterinary medicine. In the late 80's , we brought our shepherd collie in for acupuncture treatments, Donn was an inspiration to everyone that he met. Donn was a very REAL person , which is one of my favorite qualities in a person. I'm sure that it was very challenging to fit Donn's life celebration into 1 hour ! The service was beautiful. The numerous wonderful memories will live forever in your close family.

    Larry Mottice

    What a wonderful and moving memorial service for a a special person.


    Gary and I were fortunate to know Dr Donn, Gayle and the entire family. Peace and love be with you all.

    Larry Mottice

    What a wonderful and moving memorial service for a a great guy.

    Ralph Kuhnert

    To Gayle and family, Donn was a very special person to you all and equally to me. My memories date to our wonderful years at Purdue and the two of us sharing the responsibility of Doke our Sigma Chi Fraternity mascot. Our connections were so strong in college that when graduating I ask Donn to be in our wedding along with another close Brother Bill Bowe. The recent reunions in Florida are also special with the gathering of Sigma Chi Brothers and their spouses. Memories are a blessing and we all have many. Rest In Peace Donn and All Honor To His NAME.

    Emilie Eskridge

    I am just so sad for the loss you have all suffered. It is never easy when people leave to soon. We are sending love to the entire Griffith clan during this time.

    Dave Heigle

    I remember Donn’s generous spirit... sharing his resources of smoked fish, tickets to the Crew and Muirfield, your sharing the family West Yellowstone properties with our Circle and the 2 motorcycle guys. His free advice on pet care and training. His generosity in accepting new friends and old acquaintances.

    Nancy Montgomery

    Dr. Donn will always be a member of our support group. While we did not get to know him well, we did get glimpses of his personality and sense of humor. It was wonderful that we could all share our zoom 4th of July. He will be missed.

    Bryan, Quinn, and Sawyer Griffith

    Bryan, Quinn, and Sawyer are watching Grandpa's Memorial Service together on the pool deck at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Thank you to everyone for your love for our family and for joining us to celebrate my father!

    David Fredrick RVT

    I had the privilege to work with Dr. Griffith for several years. His knowledge, compassion, and a devotion to use any and all forms of healing was an inspiration. He lived life at full throttle. Trying to recall the seemingly endless things he had an interest in could be a full time job. He never turned away a patient. (Maybe venomous?) His ability to not limit his patient care to only one modality should give hope to all of us. He made me feel like a part of the family. Being a small participant in his boundless trip through life has been a true blessing. To those of you who know - Christmas Pants!

    William deHoff

    I send my sincere condolence to Gayle and the family. Donn was a joyous man with a multitude of in depth interest within our profession and out. Only his boundless energy allowed him to pursue so many activities. I have spent a number of hours in his practice always with interesting cases and wide ranging engaging discussion topics. Donn was always encouraging when I was at the university but especially when we started MedVet. His support and friendship will always be remembered and appreciated. Bill DeHoff

    Sandy blackford

    Dr. Griffith has been a mentor to so many future veterinarians and other professionals in the veterinary community. His name is well known throughout Ohio and beyond. He had dedicated his life to the art of healing all types of animals both great and small. He will be forever missed as a kind, generous and caring employer, an extension of my immediate family. He diagnosed and successfully treated many very complex medical cases over the years and some were absolutely miraculous like the dog who fell off a grooming table and was carried to the clinic by his owner then Dr. Griffith worked his magic and the dog left the clinic walking unassisted like there was never any mobility problem. Dr. Griffith’s gift for healing animals was amazing and absolutely astonishing!

    Sara Larson

    David and I are very saddened by Donn’s passing. He was our vet for over 20 years, a friend and a wonderful person. Our condolences to Gayle and family. Sara and David Larson

    Dina Giddens

    Hello, Dr. Donn was a very kind and loving human being. We were so grateful that our dogs, Milo and Jenny, were in his loving care. His donation to Purdue University in Milo's name was so thoughtful. We were touched by his thoughtfulness during our time of grief. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. God bless you, The Giddens Family

    Chip Elliott

    A gentleman a scholar a man of his word terrific example for younger men and a great Sigma Chi. In Hoc, Dr Donn

    Carla Pion

    Donn and his lovely wife were always present at the VIN dinners at the now VMX meetings (formerly NAVC) in Orlando, Florida. I had the pleasure of meeting him there and seeing him for years at that dinner. He was always so kind; such a friendly and generous man who had his camera ready and his warm wit with him. He will be truly missed.

    Patty Shipley

    I’ve heard about Dr Donn for many years from my patients. About 5 years ago, met him for the first time I had adopted a cat from Colony Cats, and she had a virus that affected her eyes. Dr Donn examined her and made up a homeopathic remedy that worked more quickly than anything I’d used before. The best part was, it was in water, so I didn’t have to chase her and hold her down to administer it. After he tended to my cat, he took me on a tour of his practice. It was obvious he loved his work...not just the patients, but also in connecting with their humans. Dr Donn leaves behind a hole no one can fill, as a husband, father friend and veterinarian. He was a truly special guy.

    (Book) and Yasuyo Stall

    Dear Gayle, Donn, Nick and Richard (Book) were the sophomore roommates at Sigma Chi Fraternity in Purdue University. Donn, Nick and Book maintained their friendship for almost 60 years. Book passed away on October 26, 2018, year and a half ago by melanoma. Nick is still active and lives in Florida. Donn will unite with Book in Heaven and re-bond their brotherhood. They will protect us (you and me) from Heaven. Donn used to attend many national veterinary conferences and when he came to California, we always got together. When Donn attended national veterinary conferences in Florida, he got together with Nick. Nick is looking for threesome (Donn, Nick and Book) photos and photos at Purdue. Nick will try to send you separately. I could not find old photos so I attached recent photos of Nick & Jena, Book & me, Book's Obit Photo, etc. for you to see them. Hope we can build up threesome (You for Donn, Yasuyo for Book and Nick) friendship in the future. I just lost my husband so I can really feel for you. Hope I could be one of your emotional supports. Donn was such a wonderful, loving, active and generous man. We all miss him dearly. Warm regards, Yasuyo (Yaya) Katsumata-Stall

    Susan Huhta

    Gayle and kids, You already know that Donn was my 5th grade boyfriend. So, I had goodtaste, even then. Know you are in my loving thoughts and prayers.Susan Huhta

    Susan Brooks

    Seeing just these few pictures is a bittersweet reminder of how much I love you, Gayle, and Donn. You have been exceptional parents to Laurie, Lisa, Bryan & Bradley -- and their children. What a family!! Lots of love to you all.

    Nancy Prater

    We took our dog, Ginger to Dr. Donn in 1980’s. He treated her through many years. At the end, he was very compassionate. He even donated to Norte Dame in her name. He was a very kind man.

    Karen Hough Majidzadeh

    I only met Donn Griffith through his son, Brad. In our business forum, Brad always had so many happy stories about his dad, learning the importance of a strong work ethic, and the tough job of being an entrepreneur. Donn was certainly a wonderful man who inspired all around him. Our deepest condolences for your loss.

    June K Griffith Shively

    Donn was a very special and unique person. He was a very favorite cousin of mine. I admired Donn's sense of adventure, his dedication to his causes, his love of animals, his passion for photography and his love of family. I loved his laugh. He always had a nice sense of humor for those of us who weren't on his intellectual level which was out of this world. Very impressive to say the least. Donn did not know the word "no." My memories are filled with times on the Griffith Farm in Van Buren, Ohio, days at Purdue, love of animals, filling our lives with children and sharing times with Gayle and him not only in Ohio but in Montana and Indiana and then Florida. Life was always interesting when it involved Donn Griffith. I will miss Donn but will be filled with thoughts or our times together and honored to have known such an accomplished wonderful man. God has a new angel. Donn will be in charge of taking care of all our pets that have passed on to heaven. God grant peace and love to all his friends and loved ones.

    Jack Zweig

    Dr. Donn was absolutely the best. He was our veterinarian, our son's veterinarian and a trusted health insurance client. Dianna and I will truly miss him. I enjoyed our lunches, visiting at his home and office. Our best to Gayle and family.

    Dilbagh S. Kooner, DVM

    I met Dr. Donn Griffith in 1976. i was just starting my private practice in Veterinary Medicine. He offered to help me about procedures required for setting up a Sole Proprietorship, and also myriad other forms and books I was supposed to maintain as a Practitioner. He gave me samples of forms and books. It made my life easier and saved me lot of angst later. He had just met me and yet offered his help and full support. I always appreciated his kindness and friendship.

    Dilbagh S. Kooner, DVM

    I met Dr. Donn Griffith in 1976. i was just starting my private practice in Veterinary Medicine. He offered to help me about procedures required for setting up a Sole Proprietorship, and also myriad other forms and books I was supposed to maintain as a Practitioner. He gave me samples of forms and books. It made my life easier and saved me lot of angst later. He had just met me and yet offered his help and full support. I always appreciated his kindness and friendship.

    John Klein

    My sincere condolences to Dr.Donns family. I graduated from Buchtel high school withDonn and still have fond memories of that wonderful person who made time to associatewith his classmates regardless of their background when he could have easily been one ofthose self centered super athletes.

    Beth McCann

    I got to know Dr. Griffith when he hired me on as one of his vet techs a couple years ago. I was very grateful to have a chance to let me broaden my horizons in different fields of veterinary medicine. I would like to say I was very grateful to Dr. Griffith and Gayle for hiring me when I was at low point in my career as a vet tech and actually saw and treated me as technician. I hope he will still know even though I work at another clinic, I am still his best toenail trimmer still. I only have one photo on my phone of Dr. Griffith and I which is us tag teaming to fill out a medical record.

    Danya Linehan

    Dr. Donn Griffith was my first boss when I got out of vet school. He was also my mentor, friend, and sometimes verbal sparring partner (Poor Gayle during those times). He and Gayle and the rest of the Griffiths became family to me. Donn hired me at my second interview, over Chinese food. I remember him briefly summarizing attributes that he felt made me a good fit for the clinic and associate for him, but admitting that I got the job primarily because I was the only one who dared return for a second interview. And so it began. As much as Donn loved animals, nature, photography, Montana, veterinary medicine, fishing, learning anything new, laughter, a raucous debate, the big electronics show, great food and football, he loved his family most of all. Now all my love goes out to his dear family, and the many lives he touched.

    Robert Dudgeon

    Dr Donn was a great vet he took care of our cat Stanley for 19 years. Although Stanley never got along with Dr. Donn because he was tall and scared Stanley he was always gentle with him. Our boys Chrs and Bradley played soccer together.

    james griffith

    Our deepest sympathies on the loss off Dr. Donn . I remember as a freshmen at The Ohio State University, Donn took time to come & see me at my dorm . Other visits would follow thru the years as we would meet at restaurants in the Columbus area . Also visits to his Vet clinic. What a GREAT & DECENT man, I shall miss him terribly !

    Kristin Spadafore

    Dr. Griffith saw at least 5 of the pets I have owned over the years..Osiris, Poe, Romeo, Magee, and Zena. He did such a great job of digging deeper into the issue of their ailments; he definitely had a 6th sense when it came to healing animals. He saved my cat, Osiris' life with what he called his "rainforest" pills he helped develop. I call that a miracle cure! I will always be thankful for having found him to help me keep my animals so healthy. He was also very personable; he would always ask me about my job at the Clintonville Community Market, and when I found out I was moving to Montana, he shared in my joy of moving to such a beautiful area of the country. Thank you Dr. Donn for all you have done for SO many animals in need, and your countless hours upon hours devoted to learning about alternative therapies. You gave what was so needed to the vet community, as a shining leader in so many wonderful ways. Columbus, Ohio was so lucky to have you. To his family and friends, please accept my heartfelt condolences. What a wonderful person he truly was.

    liz hassinger

    I knew Donn through the AHVMA as well. He was always friendly and kind to everyone he met. My heart goes out to his family and close friends

    Janet Shumaker

    Dr. Donn was a dear friend and Mentor. I'm a better dog mom because of all the things he taught me over the years. I and my furry friends miss him more than words can convey. I feel so blessed to have known him and to call him my friend.?

    Lorraine Shill

    My heartfelt sympathies go out to the entire family. I just finished looking at all of the wonderful family photos. What amazing memories you all have to cherish. I can see how much Don loved his family and how much you all loved him. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time, Lorraine and Tony Shill

    Dick Goebel

    Gayle and family, Please accept our sympathy for your loss. Donn was a classmate and friend. He will be missed. Dick

    Christine Marrell

    I appreciated his care of my kitties for so many years. My thoughts are with the family.

    Sheila OReilly

    I met Dr Donn as a client first. After that I started bringing my dogs Colt and Molly to see him. He always asked of my family and was always kind and positive. I really loved him and Gayle. Even though my interaction was once a month and when I brought my pups in he was just so very kind and generous. I’ve never met a more honest kind intelligent person. Dr Donn made my life better! I was blessed to know him and Gayle

    Michael Haddad

    Griffith Family, On behalf of the Haddad's, please accept our deepest condolences. Dr. Donn was such an amazing person. I personally have such fond memories of our two families growing up together in Ohio and then later vacationing down to Florida. I was always so impressed how Dr. Donn really made the most of life, he had so many hobbies and seemed an expert on everything he pursued! He was a man that celebrated and recognized his many blessings and was so proud of his family. You all will be in our prayers. We love you. The Haddad Family

    Mary Kirkey

    Gayle and your family have my sympathy for Your loss of your dearly loved Donn. I only know the two of you through the CurePSP Support Group, where I could see your deep caring for each other. You have my understanding as my husband also passed with PSP. And now you too will have many special memories to fill your heart. This mantra was most supportive to me: Grieving. - You don’t get over it, you don’t process through it, you learn to blend it into the rest of your life...

    Diana Evans

    Dr Don was our first vet. we moved to dublin in 1978 with our puppy, buffy a blond cocker spaniel, who liked to have injuries on weekends or evenings, and dr don was always ready to meet us at his business, one night after buffy had decided to chase a bee and was stung in her mouth, dr don left a pool party and met us, and about 11:30 at night he called to say she was going to be alright. then apologized for calling so late. we were fortunate to have him looking after our buffy,

    Sherry Becker

    Donn was everything that his family claimed him to be in the obituary and on this website. A truly kind man interested in everyone and everything. We had wonderful expEriences with him both as a friend and as a veternarian. He was One of God’s best creatuRes. Mike and I are very sorry to hear he is gone. However, seeing these wonderful family pictures, i beleive he will liVe on in these people who were fortunate to receive his life’s lessons. Sincerely, Sherry Becker

    Robert Cooperman

    For many years, Dr. Donn took great care of my dogs and extended his warmth and kindness to my family, as well. I recall with fondness not only the vet visits but the shot clinics where we worked side-by-side. He was a man of integrity and skill and he will, no doubt, be sorely missed by many in the community. May he rest in peace.

    Glen Spangler

    What a great Man! I was honored to have him as my fraternity big brother in Sigma Chi! He was always open to new ideas in his life to make his life and the lives of his animal patients better. He was one of those individuals that you wish that you could have spent more time with! Thanks for the memories that I have with you Donn!

    Marlene Smith

    So sorry for the loss of this wonderful gentle man. My sincere condolences to the family. I have known Don for many years through IVAS and the AHVMA. He was always there, helpful and kind to everyone. He was a leading light in veterinary acupuncture and how to be supportive of those who just ventured into this speciality of veterinary medicine. We will all miss you, Don! Marlene Smith

    Nancy Scanlan

    I met donn through the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association. he made me feel welcome there, and we had interesting talks about veterinary medicine in general, and especially holistic veterinary medicine. when he was president of ahvma, he ran the board meetings with robert's rules of order - for the first time in a long time, meetings were organized and orderly. more things got done, with shortermeetings, than they did for many other presidents. when i became executive director, he let me know that if i ever needed anything, he would be happy to help. i will miss him.

    Mary Battistella

    I also knew him through the American Holistic Veterinary Association and the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society. He was such a gentle giant and had so much compassion for his patients, clients and friends

    Cynthia Lankenau

    I had the honor of knowing Donn through his involvement with the AHVMA and IVAS and with him on the COE in the AHVMA . What a great guy, in the early days; he would help with all the tech stuff. Always there, always helping. I am so sorry for your loss. Cindy Lankenau

    Sallie Cochran

    I am so sorry for Gayle and family. What can I say about this wonderful friend. He was our a family friend to our kids..and my husband a d myself. He always found time for you... even if he was fly fishing by a stream... phone in one hand... trout on the line. He helped so many with his kindness and expertise in veterinary medicine. We shared many special moments. Donn was my bodyguard when I stopped to say hi to Smokey Robinson. He fly fished at Rockwell Springs with us. I do not have all the right words..just that we loved him and wish his family peace and tons of wonderful memories. Sallie and Chan Cochran.

    Ed Behanna

    Condolences to the Griffith family. I was on the 1959 - 1963 Purdue football team with Donn. He was well liked by all the coaches and teammates. He moved around between center and guard positions but always had a positive attitude. When we would returned for the spring game Donn was the official cameraman taking photos of us old guys! He will be greatly missed. In Heaven...."Boiler Up" Left to right...(me) by, guard, end, tackle and tackle.

    Margo Roman

    Donn was such a generous, caring and thoughtful man whose compassion for both the animals and Humans made him a superstar His desire to help animals and keep educating himself and others made him such a leader in integrative medicine The Council of Elders retreat in his home at Yellowstone was one of the best times that our organization had ever had. Gayle you have such a loss but so many will keep you in our hearts With LOVE we will all miss him

    Nancy Weltzheimer Wardwell

    The Obituary is a beautiful and perfect tribute. Donn was a very special man, clearly loving his family - and gifted with animals - and their owners! It has been a gift to have known him these 60 some years

    Al Gutin

    So sorry to hear of Dr Donn’s passing. I owned a veterinary practice not far from Donn’s practice and we often shared clients. I would refer clients to him that wanted acupuncture or herbal therapies for their pets. He was always willing to accommodate them and they were always satisfied with his expertise. Besides our professional relationship we were tennis buddies in the ‘70s. He had a mean serve. The community has lost a real contributor.

    Richard Bernard

    I knew Donn at Upper Arlington HS before he moved to Akron. Interest in bugs and things back then. In 7th or 8th grade. Great guy. Spoke to him in later years. Had a practice in Columbus I believe.

    Carolyn Vonvaltier

    Since learning of Dr Griffith’s passing I have recalled so many memories from my time working as a veterinary technician at Animal Medical and Emergency Hospital. He was a great leader, boss and friend. I learned a lot about caring for animals and people from Dr Griffith. I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to know Dr Griffith and his family. You are all in my thoughts.

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