Fast food with style, Donn Griffith style.

Fast food with style, Donn Griffith style.

Growing up in Dublin, Ohio in the 80s and 90s, fast food was not a daily part of our diet, particularly because our mother was, and remains, a fantastic gourmet chef. But, we did grow up on the same street as the international headquarters for Dave Thomas’s...
Our Pets

Our Pets

Growing up with a veterinarian as a father, we always had pets in the house, and in the barn. We loved each one as a member of our family. Here is a list of some of the pets we cared for over the years: ChickensPenny the BeagleSebastian the Yellow Fronted Amazon...

Susan Huhta

Gayle and kids, You already know that Donn was my 5th grade boyfriend. So, I had goodtaste, even then. Know you are in my loving thoughts and prayers.Susan Huhta
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